Our Services
Worlds’ best athletes can rely on us for all judicial, fiscal and financial issues, so we can offer the right support to the athlete whenever needed.
The shaping of a contract is directly connected to fiscal as well as judicial legislations. Foreign laws and statues are common in the sports industry, but can deviate to a considerable extent from national laws and familiar fiscal matters. Therefore, ISEA cooperates with experts who, each in their own domain, already achieved excellent results. The enforceability of clauses and juridical liability have to be reviewed constantly: aspects our agency pays close attention to. ISEA is responsible for drafting successful agreements and their correct execution. In case of disputes, ISEA acts a mediator between the parties to solve the issue effectively.
The financial aspect of a sports career has its own specificity as well. It is of great importance for our athletes to manage their financial resources in a responsible way, from the beginning until the end of their sports career and beyond. Hence, we ensure a comfortable financial situation during as well as after our athletes’ careers by drawing up a financial plan in dialogue with them.